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Somatic-Body Balancing and Movement is vital to the body and your overall spinal
health. By intuitively following your body’s feedback. Movement is essential in
hydrating the disc along the spine. The Disc does not have its own blood supply therefore
movement is needed. If a segment or vertebrae becomes misaligned it will cause the fluid
between the soft tissue to become stagnate and/or congested to the fascia of the body.
The body fascia is multi-layered and plays an active role in the body. It supports the soft
tissue, organs, lessen the friction and eases muscle tensions that helps your bloodstream,
bone, tissue and skeletal muscle. Pain in your fascia is commonly mistaken for muscle
pain or joint pain. The biggest difference is that muscle and joint pain worsens as you
move around. While fascia pain gets better with movement and heat. Fascia adhesions
can be temporarily fixed but will get worse if it goes on. If you leave your fascia pain
untreated, your fascia will draw tighter around your muscles known as trigger points.
These trigger points can cause stiffness, intermittent tightness/spasms, and then progress
to pain and discomforts commonly produced by repetitive movements, chronic injuries
and job-related positioning that stress and posture changes. Posture changes lead to
acquired lateralization of the spine known as scoliosis.

Common conditions

  • Myofascial pain syndrome

  • Plantar fascitis

  • Scoliosis

  • Rotator cuff syndrome

  • Herniated disc

  • Post-surgery (People post-surgery with hard/metal bracing develop myofascial pain)

Myofascial pain syndrome happens when the same muscles tighten and release over and
over and over again from repeated motion or tension from stress constantly being placed
in the same area. Symptoms can include deep muscle pain that doesn’t go away, sensitive
knots or tender points in your muscles and inability to sleep because of the pain. It’s
different from muscle tension pain because it worsens over time.
Plantar fasciitis is a thick section of fascia on the bottom of your foot called the plantar
fascia. When it gets inflame it causes intense heel pain. You’re most likely to feel plantar
fasciitis when you walk in the morning after a night of being off your feet or when you
stand up after sitting for a long time.

When you are experiencing any of these types of issues. We have various techniques for
releasing Myofascial issues and scar tissue. Each treatment is based on you and your
specific needs.


Myofascial Trigger Point Release Technique

Focuses on releasing tight bands of muscles that can form after injury or overuse. Effective for pain relief and increasing range of motion.


Deep Tissue

A technique that is slow and uses deeper strokes to target the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. Effective for pain relieve and muscle tensions.


Active Release Technique

Breaks up adhesions which are dense collections of scar tissue that form when the muscles and connective tissues are injured. When the scar tissue binds between your muscles, it limits the range of motion and flexibility. Effective for pain and stiffness in the muscles and joints.


Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Faciliation

Focuses on the fascial connective tissue of the body working to stretch, lengthen and soften tissue. Effective for restoring postural balance, ease of movement and experience a calmer sense of well-being. Effective for improving flexibility and increasing range of motion.  


Cupping Therapy

An ancient modality using suction to increase blood flow to enhance circulation and provide pain management.  Effective for chronic or acute back aches and muscles pains, restrictions in fascia/scar tissue, poor circulation, stress, anxiety, stiff muscles and achy joints.


Myofascial Cupping

A unique treatment that uses suction to lift tissue as the cup is moved by the practitioner to decompress underlying tissue. The cup comes in various sizes depending on the treatment area needed. It focuses on releasing tight bands, scar tissue and tight muscles from injury or overuse. Effective for pain relief, scar tissue and muscle tensions


Rebozo Technique

Traditionally used by Mexican midwives during cultural women’s ceremony, repositioning mothers during and after childbirth, aid in supporting the pelvis and carrying the baby after birth.  This technique uses a gentle sifting rhythmic rocking motion to loosen up the stagnation along the spine, encouraging cerebral spinal fluid to flow easier, also assist in loosed up the lymphatic system and the skeletal system along with resetting the bones.


Prenatal Body Balancing

Prenatal care is key to a happy pelvis = happy baby. If the mom felt any pains in the hips and low back prior to pregnancy, likelihood of hip and back pain will increase with pregnancy. If the pelvis is not in the proper alignment, the baby is force to find a comfortable position at the expense of mom. If the baby is placed in this position for a prolonged time.


Energetic Hygiene & Sensitivity Coaching

Coming soon!


Prenatal Somatic-Body Balancing

Prenatal chiropractic care is key to a healthy, happy, and pain-free pregnancy. If the mom
experienced any kind of pain in the neck, hips, and low back prior to pregnancy. There is
a strong likelihood that they might experience increase pain and/or discomforts during the
pregnancy in those areas and possibly others.
If the pelvis is not in the proper alignment, the baby is force to find a comfortable
position at the expense of mom and/or baby. If the baby is placed in this position for a
prolonged time this can lead to breaching and other issues.
Happy Pelvis = Happy Baby. Schedule your evaluation soon


Kids Chiropractic & Somatic-Body Balancing

Kids just like adults are tough on their body’s and need chiropractic care as well. As kids
grow, develop, learn to walk, run, play sports and discover their bodies. They experience
falls, tumbles, fall asleep in awkward position, have reflex issues, colic and so much
more. Come and them receive a gentle intuitive somatic-body balancing session.


Essential Oils

Essential oils are a modality that is used regularly in your sessions. Please notify our
office if you have any sensitivities to essential oils since it is widely used.
We diffuse oils in the office for aromatherapy. Essential oils are also used for breath
work with deep sustained inhalation to calm the mind, release physical tensions and relax
any emotions. Used topically for medicinal use on the skin for pain, scar tissue, anti-
spasmatic/muscle pain and assist lymphatic flow. Also, sprays with blends of oils are
used for ceremonies, cleansing and purification purposed. Common spray used in the
office is our specialty hand-blended and made in small batches Limpieza Spray.

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